Zoho Recruit - Mandatory Assessments for Better Hiring

Zoho Recruit - Mandatory Assessments for Better Hiring

Zoho announce a significant enhancement to Zoho Recruit’s Candidate Application Form: the Include Assessment option. This feature integrates the pre-screening assessment with the application form fields, ensuring every candidate must complete the assessment before submitting their application.

Core Use Case  

The Include Assessment option addresses a crucial need: ensuring that all candidates applying through the career site complete the pre-screening assessment associated with the respective job opening.

Pain Point  

Previously, candidates could abandon the application process on the second page, leading to incomplete assessments and inefficiencies. This issue arises because:

  1. Record Creation: When a candidate clicks the Next button on the first page, their record is created in Zoho Recruit.

  2. Incomplete Assessment: On the second page, they are supposed to complete the assessment and click Submit. However, if they close their browser at this point, the record is created, but the assessment remains unanswered.

This gap results in partial applications, causing delays and extra work for recruiters.


By enabling the Include Assessment option, Zoho Recruit makes the assessment an integral part of the application process. Here’s how it works:

  • Mandatory Completion: Candidates must complete the assessment as part of their application.

  • Complete Applications: The application is only considered complete when the assessment is submitted.


  1. Improved Screening: Guarantees that all candidates are evaluated based on the pre-screening assessment, leading to a more consistent and thorough initial screening.

  2. Data Integrity: Prevents incomplete applications, ensuring every candidate record in Zoho Recruit includes the necessary assessment results.

  3. Time Efficiency: Saves recruiters time by eliminating the need to follow up on incomplete assessments.

How to Enable  

To activate the Include Assessment option:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Career Website > Career Site > Candidate Application Form.

  2. Under Advanced Options, select Include Assessment.

  3. Ensure the assessment is properly associated with the job role.

Including pre-screening assessments in the candidate application form significantly enhances the quality of candidates moving to the next stages. This seamless integration not only improves the efficiency of the screening process but also ensures that only qualified candidates proceed, ultimately saving time and resources.

Ready to optimize your hiring process? Contact pfc-group.com today to learn more about implementing the Include Assessment option in Zoho Recruit's Candidate Application Form. Let us help you streamline your recruitment and ensure you get the best candidates every time.

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