Not all information that you have needs to be shared with everyone in the organization. A lot of your content and information will only be relevant to a specific group of people. If you focus your communication within this closed group, collaborating with your team becomes a whole lot easier.
Feeds helps you share status updates and collaborate with all users in your organization. While making an update on the Feeds tab, simply select the required group to restrict communication within that group. Example: Marketing.
You can also create a group directly from the Feeds tab by clicking on the Create Group icon. For example, specify the Group Name as Product Launch and the Description as Marketing Activities for product launch.
In the Group Source section, you can select the group members you want to add. You can select users, roles, roles and subordinates, and people from different groups as well. Now when you click on the group, you can view the group's feeds and the group members, and carry out your conversations here.