WhatsApp Interactive Templates: A Game-Changer for Recruiters

WhatsApp Interactive Templates: A Game-Changer for Recruiters

Zoho Recruit has just introduced a game-changer: WhatsApp Interactive Templates! These new features are set to make your candidate interactions more engaging and efficient.

What Are WhatsApp Interactive Templates?

WhatsApp Interactive Templates are pre-approved message formats you can send to candidates via the WhatsApp Business API. These templates are designed to make your messages more interactive, allowing for better engagement. To use these templates, you need to apply for the WhatsApp Business API and activate your business phone number.

Types of WhatsApp Interactive Templates

Zoho Recruit offers two main types:


  1. Call-To-Action (CTA) Templates

    • Purpose: Encourage candidates to take specific actions, such as calling you or visiting a webpage.

    • Use Case: Guide candidates through the recruitment process and encourage active participation.

  1. Quick Reply Templates

    • Purpose: Provide candidates with preset response options for quick and easy interaction.

    • Use Case: Ideal for gathering brief responses, confirming availability, or conducting simple surveys.

Solving Recruitment Pain Points

Implementing these templates can address common challenges:

  1. Delayed Responses:

    • Pain Point: Slow candidate replies to emails or calls.

    • Solution: Quick Reply Templates speed up communication with preset options.

  1. Low Engagement:

    • Pain Point: Candidates might not engage with lengthy messages.

    • Solution: CTA Templates make it easy for candidates to follow instructions, improving engagement.

  1. Inconsistent Communication:

    • Pain Point: Hard to maintain consistent communication with multiple candidates.

    • Solution: Interactive templates ensure standardized messaging.

  1. Manual Follow-ups:

    • Pain Point: Time-consuming and prone to oversight.

    • Solution: Automated interactive messages make follow-ups efficient.

How to Create Interactive Templates 

Here’s how to create WhatsApp Interactive Templates in Zoho Recruit:Navigate to Setup:

        • Go to Setup > Telephony > Instant Messaging > Approved Templates.

    1. =
    2. Create a New Template:

        • Click on +Approved Template to start.

      1. Fill in the Details:

        • Module: Select the relevant module.

        • Template Category: Choose 'Utility' for job updates or 'Marketing' for promotions.

        • Language: Specify the template language.

        • Title: Provide a descriptive name.

        • Header: Choose 'Text' or 'Media' for the header.

        • Message Body: Craft your message, aligning with your brand guidelines. Use the " " symbol for merge fields.

        • Interactive Elements: Add CTA buttons or Quick Reply options.

        • Response Options: Offer clear response options.

      1. Save the Template:

        • Click Save to finalize.

Using Interactive Templates 

Once your templates are ready, sending them to candidates is straightforward:
  1. Select a Candidate:

      • Go to the Candidates module and choose a candidate.

    1. Choose a Template:

      • Click on the WhatsApp icon, select Choose Template, and pick your template3. Send the Message:

        • Click Send to deliver the interactive template via WhatsApp.

These WhatsApp Interactive Templates in Zoho Recruit are designed to streamline your communication, making it more dynamic and efficient. Whether guiding candidates through actions or gathering quick responses, these templates will enhance your recruitment process. For application or implementation contact pfc-group.com
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