

Troubleshooting integration of Zoho CRM with Zoho Advanced Analytics

1.  Why am I unable to integrate Zoho Advanced Analytics with Zoho CRM? 

Make sure that you have admin privilege before integrating Zoho Analytics with Zoho CRM. The integration of apps from the marketplace requires an administrator to initiate the process.


The fields must be mapped properly to set up the integration, as incorrect field mapping won't let you integrate advanced analytics in your CRM.
There may be some backend issues that prevent you from integrating advanced analytics into your CRM. In such cases, please feel free to contact the support team,


2. Why am I unable to deactivate the Zoho Advanced Analytics integration with CRM? 

Only users with admin-level permissions or users with the admin profile are allowed to integrate or deactivate integrations. Please check that you have admin level permission for that.

If this is not the case, there my be an error in the backend. Contact the support team at for assistance.

3. Why are my reports not being reflected in my dashboards despite data inflow in CRM?

Your records are not visible because the sync between your CRM and advanced analytics has stopped.
The periodic sync Is performed once every three hours, and is not updated in real time. Check back after three hours to see if the reports have been reflected.
If the reports are still unavailable it may be a backend issue and you may contact for that.


4.  What should I do if the updated reports are not being reflected in my account?

There can be a few reasons that the updated reports are not being reflected in your account. The system may have stopped syncing. This can be fixed by disabling and reenabling the sync.

If the problem persists, contact our support team at

5. Why hasn't all of my data synced after syncing my CRM with Zoho Analytics? 

Zoho CRM supports creation of over 300 fields per module. However, Zoho Advance Analytics supports import of only 100 fields per module, which is the current limitation, which may be why some of your data was unable to sync.


6. Why is nothing happening when I click Advanced Analytics for CRM?

This type of issue generally occurs if you have a free account in Zoho Advanced Analytics.
You need a basic plan or above to access the data in your advanced analytics from your CRM.

7. Why I am getting an error stating "Sorry an unexpected error during synchronization" while adding a new fields under Advanced Analytics for CRM setting?

Please check whether you have selected more than 100 fields. As per the current workflow, you can sync up to 100 fields per module from Zoho CRM to Zoho Advanced Analytics.

To prevent this issue, you can deselect some fields from the respective modules that are not necessary for reports in the sync settings and save the configuration.


8. Why am I getting an error stating "Invalid value passed in parameter" when clicking Advanced Analytics for CRM? 

This type of issue generally occurs when the email address for CRM and Advanced Analytics do not match. Check to make sure that these email addresses match, and reach out to if you still need more assistance.


9. Why have I received an email titled 'Setup Process Failed'/'Synchronization Process Failed' right after the Zoho CRM and Advanced Analytics integration?

This may be a momentary failure due to some internal issue.
To fix this issue:
  1. Go to your Zoho Advanced Analytics account
  2. Choose your workspace
  3. Click on the data sources and choose the required source from the list.
  4. Click the Refresh button
If the issue persists, please reach out to the Zoho Reports team at


10. Why is the stage history of Zoho CRM is not being pushed to Zoho Analytics 

  1. Go to your Zoho Advanced Analytics account with an administrator profile.
  2. Click on Import Your Data.
  3. Select Zoho CRM App.
  4. Click Next in the Zoho CRM Advanced Analytics Setup page.

  1. Select the Stage History option from the modules list
  2. Click Create. 


Similarly, you can sync inventory product line items of Zoho CRM as Purchase items, Quoted items, Sales Order items, Invoice items, and more.


Troubleshooting Zoho Campaigns integration with Zoho CRM

1. Why aren't all of my contacts syncing between Zoho CRM and Campaigns? 

There can be a few reasons why your Zoho CRM contacts are not syncing in Campaigns.
No email address has been entered in your customer account:
Double check to ensure there is an email address entered for each of your accounts. Contacts without an email address will be rejected by the system while syncing to Campaigns from your CRM account.

While syncing contacts to your Campaigns account, note the field "Exclude email opt-out." This field prevents you from syncing contacts that have opted out of contact from Zoho CRM.


Corresponding fields are not mapped properly :
If the corresponding fields are not mapped correctly, you may experience some issues syncing data between CRM and Campaigns.
You can easily fix these issues by re-mapping your fields to correspond. You should also ensure the data you are trying to sync has been correctly mapped in your CRM fields and modules.
While syncing, you have the option to retrieve data from CRM to Campaigns. This option helps you sync the data from your CRM to your Campaigns account. You have the option to choose between syncing all data, and data added after a given date and time according to which you will be able to sync your data to Campaigns. If there are few new records, and your data was synced before those records were added, the new records won't be reflected after syncing. In those cases, use the Retrieve Data option.


Data security and privacy policy :
Zoho takes data privacy and security seriously. We comply with worldwide data administration and protection laws, such as GDPR and HIPAA.


Because of various data security compliance procedures, you may not be able to sync all your contacts at once.

Customer consent: 
Many times, customers unsubscribe from company updates, which can include event and product updates, marketing emails, and ads. Consent is listed in your Campaigns account under "Lawful basis for communication."


Already an existing Contact :
If there is an identical existing record in your CRM account, duplicates will automatically get rejected in your Campaigns account during syncing. Also, when a record exists in a custom or criteria-based view in CRM, it's not updated in Campaigns.

2.  Why did I get a 'Hard Bounce' message in salesSignal right after sending a campaign?

There can be various reasons for the "Hard Bounce" message in your CRM account. It could be due to the email address entered, parameter failure, or a back-end issue.
You can find the reason for the hard bounce under the Bounces and Auto-Replies field in the Reports tab of your Campaigns account. Once you know the reason, it will be easier for you to troubleshoot the issue by contacting your email service provider or Zoho support team.


3. Why is that my campaigns account shows, I have successfully integrated with CRM. However, when I check in my CRM account some error occurs?

While integrating Zoho Campaigns with your CRM account, some errors might have occurred, such as wrong field mapping, configuration-related issues, or customization-related problems.


In most cases, you can troubleshoot these errors by simply re-mapping the fields between your Campaigns and CRM accounts. Fields in CRM should be mapped with identical fields (fields that contain the same data type) in Campaigns. For example, the Account Name field in your CRM account should be linked with the Account Name field in your Campaigns account. Proper configuration can also fix these types of problems.




If the problem persists, even after re-evaluating the configuration, delete the integration and try re-integrating it. Keep in mind, re-integration is only advised if neither of the above-mentioned tips help.
For more assistance, feel free to contact the CRM support team at:

4. Why am I getting a 'permission denied' error while trying to integrate campaigns with CRM?

Check that your profile has permission to add extensions. If you don't have proper permission, the "permission denied" error occurs.
Check with your system Admin to make sure you have permission to integrate Marketplace apps with your CRM account.
For a user with a standard profile, permission to access extensions is denied by default. You need Admin-level permission, or an Admin profile, to access Marketplace extensions.



5. Why do I still see the layout for Zoho Campaigns, even though I have deleted the integration?

When you delete something from CRM, it remains in the Recycle Bin. To delete the integration permanently, you need to delete it from the Recycle Bin as well. Deleted items remain in your CRM account until they have been permanently deleted.
Once you delete the Campaigns layout from your Recycle Bin, it won't be visible in your account anymore.

6. Why am I getting the error message, "your org is already integrated" when trying to integrate Campaigns with my CRM account?

This error will occur when you try to integrate your CRM account with Campaigns from an account that has already been linked.
If you don't remember integrating your account previously, check whether your CRM account has truly been integrated, and if so, try deleting the previous integration.
If your account has never been, or is not already linked to Zoho Campaigns, but you are getting the same error, please reach out to our CRM support team at:  

7 . Why am I unable to view the image in campaigns record, even though I can preview it?

This type of issue arises when a user with different profile permission from that of the viewer creates a record. Say, for example, there are two default profiles in your CRM account— Standard and Admin. These profiles have different permissions to access and perform different tasks and functions.
You can fix this issue by enabling permission to view the image in Custom Fields under Roles and Privileges in your Zoho Campaigns account.

8. Why am I unable to copy the customization field after deleting the Campaigns integration?

To copy the customization field from your CRM account, you need to disable the integration between your CRM and Campaigns accounts. Deleting the integration will unlink all the data between Campaigns and CRM. All synced data will be deleted, and you won't be able to sync any live data.


To prevent this issue, don't delete or deactivate the integration. Simply disable the integration, and you will still be able to copy the customization in your CRM account.



On the Disable Integration page, you can choose between two options: Deactivate and Disable. Always select Disable to copy customization.

9. Why isn't my Member status is being updated in campaigns module of Zoho CRM?

Check whether Update Campaign Member Status in CRM is enabled in your Campaigns record under Advanced Options. If this option is disabled, your member status for users won't be updated in the Campaigns module in CRM.

10. Why can't I find the Campaigns module in my CRM account? 

It's possible that the Campaigns module has been disabled in your CRM account. To enable it, go to Setup> Customization> Modules and Fields. Then, select the Campaigns module, and click Save.
If you can't find the Campaigns module in the Organize Modules tab, check your profile permission. By default, only users with Admin profiles or access can customize modules.



If these troubleshooting steps don't resolve your problem, please feel free to send us an email at

Troubleshooting IMAP/POP3

1. During the IMAP/POP3 integration, there is an error message which says "Connect Error" or "Unable to connect".

I. Make sure to enter the accepted port numbers for IMAP/POP3:
  1. Ports for incoming: 993 and 143
  2. Ports for outgoing: 465, 587, and 25
II. Ensure that you are entering the correct server details. To confirm whether the server details are correct, go to and enter the domain name to check who the email service provider is.

III. Check whether the ports are open. Go to and enter the server name and port number. If the ports are closed, then check with the email service provider to open the ports.

IV. If the ports are open and you are still getting the connect error, try setting up the IMAP/POP3 with the same server details in other applications like MS Outlook, Thunderbird, etc. If it works in the other applications and the error is only in Zoho CRM then you can contact our support team and check with your email service provider to get the correct server details.

V. Check this link to ensure you are using the correct port number:
2. During the IMAP/POP3 configuration, there is an error message which says "Authentication Failed" or "Invalid credentials"

  1. Make sure that the password you entered is correct. To verify the password, log in to your webmail with the same password by typing in the password instead of using auto-fill.
  2. Check whether TFA is enabled in webmail. If it is enabled, generate an app-specific password in the webmail and use the app-specific password in CRM's IMAP/POP3 settings.
If the issue still persists, please contact our support team (
3. Authentication takes a long time, followed by the "Server Disconnected" error message. 
In most cases, this means that server details are incorrect. Confirm who your email service provider is by going to and entering the domain name of your email address. Once you find out who your email service provider is, enter the correct server details and try again.

4. I am unable to send an email and am seeing the "Authentication unsuccessful" error message.

This happens when the password is incorrect or has expired for the outgoing server details in IMAP/POP3 settings.

  1. Go to the IMAP/POP3 settings and update the password.
  2. Ensure that the password is also updated in the outgoing mail server details.
5. Some emails are not displayed in the Emails related list of records.
Open your webmail and check whether the emails are available in the Inbox or Sent Item folder. All the emails in these folders will be synced with CRM. Check the folders in the web version of your email account and not in other applications like MS Outlook as the IMAP sync is only with webmail.
If the emails are present in webmail and not in CRM, contact our support team.
6. "You cannot use this account as it has been used to configure IMAP/POP3. Please use a different account" error shown when I go to the IMAP/POP3 setup

This means that the email address has already been used for IMAP/POP3 configuration in another CRM account. If you know the account it has been configured in, deactivate the IMAP/POP3 in that account and then try configuring IMAP/POP3 in the correct account. If this does not work or you do not know which account it is configured in, contact our support team. 
7. Even though I am a user with the Administrator profile, I get the following error message when I open the Email Settings page: "Permission Denied. Contact your administrator."

This means that another user with the administrator profile has locked the IMAP/POP3 configuration. It must be unlocked before you can access the email settings.
To unlock the configuration,
  1. Go to Setup > Users and Control > Security Control > Zoho Mail Add-on User. 
  2. Click the Unlock Configuration button next to the user's name.
8. An email displayed twice in my CRM account. 
If the Store sent messages on the server checkbox is enabled in the IMAP/POP3 Settings page, the emails will be displayed twice. Disable this checkbox to show the emails only once.

9. I get the following error message when I go to Setup > Channels > Emails: "You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation. Contact your administrator."

This error message means your email configuration settings are locked. A user with the Administrator profile needs to unlock it for you.
  1. Go to Setup > Users and Control > Security Control > Zoho Mail Add-on User.
  2. The users who have configured IMAP in their CRM accounts are listed here. Once an admin has unlocked configuration settings for you, you will be able to access the Email Setup page. 

If an administrator runs into this issue, they will need another administrator to unlock the configuration for them.

Troubleshooting Email Authentication

1. I am getting an error which says "DKIM record missing".

After entering the public key value in you domain settings page, go to and select TXT. Enter the public key value you generated in CRM and select Lookup.

  1. If the DKIM key is not populated, then the key has not been updated properly. Enter the public key in the Host/domain name column without your domain name. For example, enter the host name as: 1522905413783._domainkey instead of If the issue persists, contact our support team (
  2. If the DKIM is populated but you are still getting the "DKIM record missing" error, wait for 24 hours and then select Validate record in the CRM. If the issue persists even after 24 hours, contact support (
2. I am getting a "SPF record missing" message.

Make sure that there is only one SPF entry in the Domain Settings page. If you have already added SPF for another application, make sure that CRM SPF is also added in the same record. 

Adding two separate SPF records is not valid. If there are two or more SPF records, merge the values into a single record and verify it.

Go to, select TXT, enter the public key value you generated in CRM and select Lookup. 
For example: 
1. If two SPF records are added like this:
"v=spf1 ~all"
"v=spf1 ~all"
Then add them as:
v=spf1 ~all

2. If two SPF records are added like this
"v=spf1 ~all"
"v=spf1 ~all"
Then add them as:
v=spf1 ~all

3. If two SPF records are added like this
"v=spf1 mx ~all"
"v=spf1 ~all"
Then add it as:
v=spf1 mx ~all
If the SPF is populated but you still get the "SPF record missing" error, wait for 24 hours and then select Validate record in the CRM. If the issue persists after 24 hours, please contact our support team  (

3. What is SPF alignment and why might it fail?
When an email is sent, its sender ID is validated and then its SPF and DKIM records are aligned. Complying with DMARC policy tells the recipient systems that the email sender has done something that only an authentic sender can do: align the DKIM and/or SPF domain with the “From” domain that the recipient sees.
If you're sending emails through your business domain as the "From" domain, DMARC will compare it with the "Envelope From" (also known as "Return-Path") domain. If both the domains or their subdomains match, SPF is aligned.

4. Does SPF alignment failure impact email deliverability?
If the domain in the Return-Path header is the same as the domain in the "From" address, then the SPF alignment will pass. If they are different, the SPF alignment will fail.
For example:
If the user sends emails from Zoho CRM, the email is sent from Zoho CRM's email server on behalf of For bounce tracking purposes, CRM will set a email address as the Return-Path header. As the domain in the Return-Path header is "", which does not match the domain in the From address ("") the SPF alignment will fail.

This means you will see the following message:

" is authorized to send on behalf of, however it looks like SPF is still failing DMARC’s alignment test. DMARC looks at the Return-Path of a message to make sure the domain there matches the domain in your From address. Since the Return-Path path doesn’t match your From address, those messages will fail DMARC’s SPF alignment test."

As DMARC requires either SPF or DKIM alignment, the solution would be to either change the Return-Path header in Zoho CRM or add an aligned DKIM signature. Changing the Return-Path header in Zoho CRM is not possible as we need to track the bounced emails, so the only option is to configure email authentication. If DKIM authentication is complete, you will pass the DMARC check even without SPF alignment.

5. If SPF alignment fails, will it impact the email deliverability?
No, SPF alignment failure won't affect your email deliverability.

Troubleshooting Workflows

1. A workflow was not triggered for some records.
  1. Confirm the source of the record. Make sure it was not created from the Sheet view or via import.
  2. If the record source is API , "trigger["workflow"]" must be included in the API json body. The workflows, approvals, and blueprints related to the API will be executed.
    "data": [
    "Company": "Zylker",
    "Last_Name": "Daly",
    "First_Name": "Paul",
    "Email": "",
    "State": "Texas"
    "trigger": [
  3. If the record source is a custom function, then the custom function code must be added to execute the workflow:
    zoho.crm.createRecord("Leads", {"Last_Name" : "test"}, {"trigger" : ["workflow"]})
  4. If the record source is Zoho Forms, make sure that the Trigger CRM workflows action is selected in the Zoho Forms integration page.

  5. Check that the record meets the criteria specified in the workflow.
    1. Common error which may cause this:
      The workflow has a criteria that "Subscription Is Overdue" but the record was created as "Subscription Is Over-due". The hyphen will prevent the system from triggering the workflow. 
    2. Solution:
      A possible fix here would be 'Subscription Starts with "Over"' or 'Ends with "due"'
  6. If you have several conditions, they will be triggered based on a nested If statement.
    1. Common errors which may cause this:
      1st condition: Annual revenue < 1000
      2nd condition: Annual revenue < 100
      3rd condition: Annual revenue < 10
      Now, if you create a record with Annual revenue as 9 or 99 or 999, it will always only trigger the first condition because 9, 99, and 999 are all under 1000. In this case, you will have to reorder the conditions as follows:
    2. Solution:
      1st Condition: Annual revenue < 10
      2nd condition: Annual revenue < 100
      3rd Condition: Annual revenue < 1000
      Now, if you create a record with the annual revenue as 9, it will trigger the first condition and if you create one with an annual revenue of 99, it will skip the first and proceed to the second condition. To summarize, the system will only check the second condition in the workflow rule if the record does not match the first condition. 
2. The scheduled actions option in workflow rules is not clickable. 
  1. Check if the Repeat checkbox is selected in the first step of the workflow rule, you cannot schedule any actions.

    Reason: Imagine a workflow rule is created with the condition "Whenever the Annual revenue > 10,000" that will create a task with high priority assigned to the owner of the deal. The user needs to make edits to the record to keep it up to date. If the scheduled action repeated every time the task was edited, this would create multiple, unnecessary tasks for the user. So, if the workflow rule is repeated, scheduled actions will not be available.
  2. Check whether scheduled actions are supported in your CRM edition.
3. The Convert action is not available in the list of instant actions in a workflow created for the Leads module.
  1. Check if the "Repeat" checkbox is selected in the first step, the Convert action will be hidden.
    Reason: This is similar to why scheduled actions aren't available when Repeat is checked. If a lead is auto-converted when the lead status is Qualified, the record will no longer be in the Leads module, so it does not make sense to show the Convert option when the workflow is set to repeat.
  2. If the criteria is empty, the Convert option will not be available.

4. I am not able to choose a date field in a date-based workflow.
Check if the date field was created from a formula, it will appear in the list of options while creating a date-based workflow.
  1. Date fields in CRM can be created in two ways.
  2. Drag and drop a date field directly onto the layout.
  3. Drag and drop a formula field and choose Date as its return type.
Fields that are created as a formula field with the return type as Date will not be listed in date-based workflows.
5. The workflow is triggered for records that do not meet the condition.
Common errors which may cause this:
Let's look at the following example where the admin wants a workflow to create a task only when Account Type is Partner, Annual revenue > 10,000 USD, and Industry is Software, or Enterprise Customer is Checked, or Number of employees > 50.
The system's criteria pattern would be ( ( ( ( 1 and 2 ) and 3 ) or 4 ) or 5 ) which would not function as required. 
Adjust the pattern to (1 and 2 and (3 or 4 or 5)). Now the system will always check for 1, 2 and any one of 3, 4, and 5.

6. The workflow was triggered but the email was not sent to the leads or contacts.
  1. Check that the email recipient was chosen appropriately.
    Common errors: The Email field was selected as the recipient but the email address is actually in the Secondary Email field.
    1. Check if Email Opt-out is enabled.
    2. Check if the daily email limit has been hit.

7. Custom functions do not trigger but other actions appear to work.
  1. Go to Setup > Actions > Functions > Failures to find out the reason. 
    Common errors: The code is mapped to get a value from another record which is empty. For example, the code is set to fetch the Account Type and update it in the Contacts module. If the Account Type is empty, the code will run into an error and the workflow will not be triggered.
  2. The 'Day limit reached' error indicates that the limit for the day has been exceeded.
  3. Check whether the custom function calls are exhausted. If they are, you can either purchase additional calls or optimize your code.
8. Webhooks are not triggered but other actions appear to work.
  1. Failures can be tracked by navigating to Setup > Actions > Webhooks > Failures. Check if you can correct the errors in the webhooks.
    Limitations in webhooks:
    If the URL to notify has a Port Number then the webhook will not trigger.
    Allowed Port Numbers: 9443 and 9090
  2. It is not possible to encode a URL with webhooks.
  3. Headers cannot be provided in webhooks, only URL parameters. An alternative solution is to create functions, if they are available in the subscribed edition.
9. I need more workflow rules in CRM.
Users often create separate workflows for each scenario, but CRM has the option to create multiple conditions in one workflow. Check whether you can optimize your workflow rules by combing fragmented rules into one workflow..
10. Workflow rules do not trigger when the fields are transitioned from a blueprint.
Common cause:
Workflows are not triggered when a record moves from one transition to another. This is because the record is already being processed in one automation (the blueprint), so it does not trigger another automation (the workflow).
The actions that were configured in the blueprint can be scheduled in the After part of the blueprint (except for scheduled actions). Then the workflow will be triggered when the record moves through the last transition.
11. Date and time-based workflow is not triggered.
The trigger time is based on the company time zone, not the personal time zone of the user. For example, the customer has chosen the date field to trigger at 08:00 hrs. The organization's time zone under Company Details is set to British Summer Time but the individual user has their time zone in their Personal Settings set to Central European Summer Time. This will result in the workflow being triggered an hour later than the user expects.
Solution: Adjust the time zone setup by going to Setup > Company Details > Time Zone.
12. The workflow does not show up in the timeline when it is triggered.
Check whether the instant action was executed for the record which you are viewing or if it has an action that was executed for a record in another module. 
Example: If there is a workflow for the Deals module which updates a field in a Contact, the timeline entry of the workflow will be available in the contact and not in the deal. So, when you check the timeline for the deal, you will not be able to see whether the workflow was triggered or not. You will need to check the timeline for the contact to see if the update was made.
13. In what order is the automation executed when a record is created?
If you have all the automation features configured in Zoho CRM, the order in which they are executed is: assignment rules, workflow rules, approval process, blueprint, and finally case escalation rules.
14. Can the result of an automation trigger another automation?
Yes one workflow can trigger another workflow depending on how the order of the workflow rules is arranged. It can trigger another workflow only if the first workflow is based "on a record action" and the trigger is "edit".
  1. Workflow 1: When a payment receipt is collected, update the Payment field to "Paid".
  2. Workflow 2: When the Payment field is updated to "Paid" , trigger a webhook and send an email notification to the manager.
When a user updates the payment receipt to Collected, the first workflow will update the Payment field to "Paid" which will in turn trigger the second workflow and call the webhook and send the email notification, if the workflows are arranged as shown below:

Troubleshooting Zoho Backstage integration with Zoho CRM

1. Why am I unable to integrate Zoho Backstage with Zoho CRM? 

By default in your CRM, those who have admin level permissions or an admin profile have access privilege for extensions. You won't be able to integrate marketplace apps into your CRM unless you have the appropriate permission or profile. If you can't integrate Zoho Backstage with Zoho CRM, check with your local admin.


If you downgrade or change your subscription type of CRM, some features will no longer be accessible. In those cases, you need to check the feature availability for different editions of Zoho CRM.
Click here for feature availability.
If your org is already integrated with Zoho Backstage, it won't be integrated again. In that case, you need to check whether the same account has been used to integrate Backstage. If so, you need to first delete the old integration, then re-integrate it. If you are having an issue with deleting the integration, or if it's a backend issue, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.
Another reason for integration-related issues can be due to some minor bug while you tried to integrate, or it can be an API related issue which can be organization specific. In those cases, feel free to contact our support team at

2. Why am I getting this error message of 'your org is already integrated' when trying to integrate Backstage in my CRM account? 

If you have already linked your CRM account with Zoho Backstage, at the time of integration you will get an error message that says "Your org is already integrated." You need to check if your account is already linked or not. If it's already linked with an old account, you can simply delete the old integration and create a new one. If you don't remember doing any prior integration, check with your dev team about it. In most cases, the integration was already done with an old account that has been forgotten. This could be a test account or a trial account.
If you have no idea how and when you integrated Backstage to your CRM account, feel free to contact our support team. They will be able to help you by deleting the integration from the backend. 

3. Why are errors occurring when I check my CRM account, despite a successful integration?

While integrating Zoho Backstage with your CRM account some errors may have occurred during the integration itself, such as incorrect field mapping, configuration-related issues, or customization-related problems.


In most cases, it can be troubleshooted simply by re-mapping the fields between the Backstage and CRM account. Fields in CRM should be mapped with identical fields in Backstage (fields with the same data type). Such as the 'Company' in CRM field should be linked with the 'account names' of Backstage fields. Proper configuration can also fix these sort of problems.
If your problem persists, feel free to contact our support team.

4. Why aren't attendees in Zoho Backstage events being added to the Leads/Contacts modules in Zoho CRM?

After successfully integrating Zoho Backstage with Zoho CRM, you need to configure it in the Integration section of the Settings menu of Zoho Backstage. It's possible that during configuration, the attendees were not synced with either Lead or Contacts modules. You need to configure it such that the attendees will be reflected either in your Contacts or Lead modules.

Check whether the sync is active in the event in your Backstage account. If not, try refreshing it and check the respective module to see whether the data is reflected or not. 


Search across the modules in your CRM using the attendee's email address. If there's an existing record available with the same email address, the record will not be pushed as a new lead or contact in your CRM account. This is to avoid duplication of records in your account.
However, events will be created as new campaigns in the Campaigns module of your CRM account.





5. Why am I unable to copy the customization field even though I have deleted the Zoho Backstage integration?

To copy the customization field from your CRM account, you need to disable the integration between your CRM account and Zoho Backstage. Deleting the integration will unlink all the data between Backstage and your CRM account. The sync will be disabled and you won't be able to sync any live data. Don't delete the integration or deactivate it. Instead, just Disable the integration temporarily. 
Please note that the Copy Customization function will work only if the account for which you are performing this step uses the same edition as yours.


6. Why am I unable to see my revenue and currency details in Zoho CRM from Zoho Backstage?

Make sure you configure the input currency from Zoho Backstage in Zoho CRM to reflect the finances of your event. You can configure this in Company Details in the Zoho CRM setup.
The cost, expenses, and currency will be reflected in the Filter Campaigns by tab in the campaigns module of your CRM.


7I am unable to push the custom field value of Zoho Backstage to leads/contacts module in Zoho CRM. 

Only the custom field which is created under ticket information and buyer information section is pushed to leads or contact module in Zoho CRM.


If you want the custom fields to be reflected in your contact or leads module, make sure that the field's data type is similar. For example, a Single line field in Zoho CRM can be mapped to a Text field in Zoho Backstage. Similarly, a Picklist field in Zoho CRM should be mapped to a Dropdown field in Backstage.

1. Currency, decimal, integers, and file upload fields are not supported in Zoho Backstage.

If these troubleshooting steps don't resolve your problem, please feel free to send us an email at

Troubleshooting Data Backup

t that the field value or name of the record is correct. If everything looks fine in CRM, email us at with your issue description and a screenshot of the file showing where the data is garbled or missing and the record IDs for that data, so we can check from the backend.

5. There are missing emails from the data backup file which are still available in CRM.
Please check whether the missing emails were synced to CRM from an IMAP account. Data backup is not currently supported for emails with IMAP configuration.
We currently only back up emails from the following sources:
  1. Individual emails
  2. Workflow alerts
  3. Calendar booking emails
  4. Mass emails
  5. Event invitations
  6. Mail merges
  7. Autoresponders
6. I have scheduled a data backup in Zoho CRM but I do not see the option to download my data, just the date of the next backup. What happened to the data backup which I scheduled?

The backup download link is only available for 7 days from the date of backup. In the above screenshot, the data backup was ready to download on December 16th so the link would have been active until December 22nd. You will receive an email notification from Zoho CRM when the data backup is completed and ready to download so that you will not miss it.
The email will be sent from and the subject of the email will be "Zoho CRM Notification - Zoho Data Backup Completed".

7. In the data backup file, the Account Name field is missing for the Contacts module, and only the Account ID is shown. Why is this?

All record associations are maintained using IDs, so we include these in the backup, which can be used for re-importing the file or referencing the record in CRM. We do not include the Account Name in the backup file, but it will be available in the export file if you choose to export data.

Troubleshooting Zoho CRM integration with Zoho Desk

1. Why am I unable to integrate Zoho Desk with Zoho CRM?

Profile/Permission: By default in your CRM, those who have admin level permissions or an admin profile have access privilege for extensions. You won't be able to integrate marketplace apps into your CRM unless you have the appropriate permission or profile. If you can't integrate Zoho Desk with your Zoho CRM, check with your local admin.
API key disabled: This can occur if the user is disabled at the time of integration, so the API key may have been disabled. The admin can enable the user and proceed with the integration.
Account Disabled: Contacts, Deals, and Accounts module are the default modules in CRM that show Zoho Desk tickets on their related lists. If the accounts module has been disabled or the account name field is in the Unused Fields in the Contacts module of your CRM account, the integration will fail. Make sure that the account name field is present.


Account already exists: If your CRM account is already mapped to the Desk account with some other organization, an error message of 'your org is already integrated' will be thrown. If you don't know or remember doing this, first check whether your CRM account has already been integrated. If so, try deleting that previous integration.
If your account is not linked to Zoho Desk but you are getting this error, please feel free to reach out to our CRM support team at


Data Breakage: There may be breakage during integration while the data is getting synced between the CRM and the Desk account. This issue is generally resolved by running migration and integrating CRM with DESK again.
If you are not sure about the reason your integration failed, feel free to contact our support team at


This is because the CRM Related list has not been enabled for that custom module in Zoho Desk Integration page of your CRM account.

To enable it, go to Zoho CRM > Settings > Marketplace > Zoho > Zoho Desk > Manage > Choose the custom module, then save the configuration



3. I have created a ticket under the Contacts record details page but it is showing no ticket found, although the ticket is available in Desk

The ticket may have been created in a different department from the department wherein the user (agent) is active.

Confirm who holds the department permission in order to view the tickets. You can give permission to the user for that department in your organization, if you want them to view corresponding tickets of those departments.


Go to Zoho Desk Account > Settings > General > Department, and ensure the user is active under the respective department.

4. Why am I getting a 'CRM integration is not authorized for the portal' alert while saving Zoho CRM and Desk Synchronization settings under Zoho Desk ?

You may have downgraded your CRM edition to an edition that does not support extensions. You need to check the feature availability for different editions of Zoho CRM available for subscription.
Click here for feature availability.
Please ensure that your account is not downgraded to the Free edition of Zoho CRM.



This issue can occur if your contact doesn't hold the 'email address' field value in the records. Please ensure that email address is present and you will be able to view the '+ New' tab in Zoho Desk related list.




This is an intermittent issue that can be fixed by creating a dummy ticket through the Zoho Desk related list under any contact or account. This will refresh the account, and Desk module will be enabled in your CRM account.


7. Why aren't my contacts in CRM getting synced with Desk?


Your instant sync has either been stopped or paused. You need to resume the sync from the Zoho Desk Integration page in your CRM.
To resume, go to Zoho CRM > Settings > Marketplace > Zoho > Zoho Desk > Manage > Sync Settings > Resume Sync.


8. When I deleted a record from my CRM account, why did it get deleted from the Desk account as well?


This is because the preferences have been set such that if any record under the contacts or accounts module is deleted the corresponding record will be deleted from the Desk account as well.
You need to change the preference from the Desk > Settings > Marketplace > Zoho > Zoho CRM > Preferences.
If you don't want your records to be deleted from CRM or Desk, select 'Never Delete' in the corresponding boxes.

Troubleshooting Sales Pipelines

1. I created a pipeline and now I cannot update the Stage field in a record.

Creating a pipeline does not affect updating stages in the layout.
If a map dependency, blueprint, layout rule, or validation rule has been created based on the Stage field, then you won't be able to update the Stage field.


2. How can I map the pipeline and stage during Hubspot (API) migration?

By default, the stage and pipeline in HubSpot are automatically mapped to the Stage and Pipeline fields in Zoho CRM and you cannot alter this mapping during API migration.
If you need to migrate stages and pipelines in a different format, then you will need to export the data from HubSpot as a spreadsheet and manually importing that data into Zoho CRM, which will allow you to manually map the fields.

3. When I try to deploy a pipeline from the sandbox, I see an error telling me to try again later or contact support.

Try deploying the fields first, then the sections, then the layout, and then finally the pipeline, if you face this issue instead of deploying them all at once.
If the issue still persists, then please contact our support team.

4. I created a new pipeline and then deleted the standard pipeline, but the Kanban view still shows stages from the deleted pipeline.




If the stage values are mapped on the stage probability mapping page, then the stage will also be shown in the Kanban view.

To remove the stage value from the stage probability mapping, go to Setup and select Modules & Fields from the Customization section. Hover your mouse over Deals and select Stage Probability Mapping, then remove the stage value from the list.

5. The Pipeline feature is missing from the Customization list on the Setup page.

Ensure that the Deals module has been enabled in on the Organize Modules screen by navigating to Setup > Customization Module and Fields > Organize Modules and selecting Enable Deals/Potentials. Also ensure that profile permissions are enabled for the Deals module by navigating to Setup > Security Control > Profiles and selecting the user's profile.
Scroll down to the permissions for the Deals module and enable them if they are not already enabled.

6. When Kanban view is selected, all the stages that are in the Stage-Probability Mapping are displayed instead of the stages in the default pipeline.


If multiple pipelines have been created, the All Layouts view will open by default when you select the Kanban view. This also means the stages from all pipelines will be available for mapping. If you select a particular pipeline, then only the stages in that pipeline will be displayed in the list view.


7. Can I edit or delete stage fields from the pipeline when a record from that pipeline is in a blueprint?


No. When a record enters the blueprint, you will no longer be able to edit the Pipeline field in the record as it will be locked.


8. When I try to pass information about a pipeline through API, I see an error message saying,

"details": {},
"message": "invalid oauth scope to access this URL",
"status": "error"

Ensure that, you are passing the access token as a parameter in the API request and that the generated access token includes the pipeline scope.
Also make sure that you are using the proper Layout ID by navigating to Setup Modules and Fields > Deals and then open the required layout and copy the ID from the URL and paste it into the code.
The pipeline scope to include is: scope=ZohoCRM.settings.pipeline.ALL


9. When I try to delete a pipeline, I see an error message that says "Pipeline field cannot be removed".



If the pipeline is associated with records in the Deals module or with a blueprint, then you cannot delete it. You must first remove the associations and then you can delete the pipeline.



10. How does sorting based on the Stage field work in a dashboard when there is a pipeline created?  

In the dashboard, the shown based on their initial (default) order, which is the order they were created in (regardless of any pipelines they appear in).
For example, if a stage value "Requirement Received" is created today and then another value "Analysing Prospect" is created tomorrow, then when a dashboard is sorted by stage value, the records with the value "Requirement Received" will be displayed first, then the records with the "Analysing Prospect" value.


11. I see an internal server error when I try to change the pipeline of a deal record.


Check whether the stage field has been used to map any dependencies and whether a layout rule has been created based on the stage field.

If these troubleshooting steps don't resolve your problem, please feel free to send us an email at

Troubleshooting Webforms

1. If the Submit button in the webform is not working.
  1. Check if it works in other browsers.
  2. Re-embed the code from Zoho CRM on to the website.
  3. Make sure that the Submit functionality attributes are not removed from the source code, i.e.: "type=submit". If this is removed, the Submit button will not respond.
If these suggestions do not work, write to us at and make sure to include the webform URL where the code is embedded in the email.
2. If the records submitted through the webform are not updated or visible in the modules.
  1. Check the Approve Leads section.
    1. Go to the Leads module and click on the three dots in the top-right corner.
    2. Select Approve Leads and check each of the three views:
      1. Unique Leads
      2. Duplicate Leads
      3. Invalid Entries.

  2. Check if Double opt-in is enabled. Disable it from the Webform Setup page as shown in the screenshot.
    Note: Enabling the double opt-in mechanism for webforms will mean that customers who submit their information will have to confirm their submission before their data is pushed into Zoho CRM.

  3. Check that the Form Location URL in CRM > Setup > Webforms > Edit the form > Form location is the same as it is on the website.
    1. Even a small difference can cause problems. For example, the form was embedded on " but the form location was entered in CRM as " ("us" is missing). Or you may have entered "http://" but the actual page is "https://". So be careful to verify every character of the URL.
  4. Check whether the record is available in the Recently Created or All Leads view. You can also search for any of the values submitted through the webform in the global search, such as last name, email address, or phone number.
  5. If a record is found to be a duplicate based on its unique field in the CRM, it will automatically be moved to the Approve Leads section, under either Duplicate Leads or Invalid Entries, even if lead approval is disabled. This is due to CRM validating records according to the validation rules and unique field properties you have set.
3. When a record is submitted from a webform, workflow rules are not triggered. 
  1. The workflow will not be triggered if the record is waiting for approval. Only when the record is approved, will the workflow execute.
  2. The workflow will not be triggered if there is a data mismatch.
Common causes:
If you have a workflow to assign a task based on the City specified in the form settings, make sure the proper operator is used in the workflow criteria.
For an example, a contact submits a record by entering it as "Charlote" but the actual workflow was created for "Charlotte". There is a spelling error from the customer, so the workflow will not be triggered.

  1. Change the criteria to 'City Contains "Charlo"' or 'starts with "Charlot" 'or 'City Contains "Charlote, Charlotte, Charlot"' using comma separated values, so that the workflow will still be triggered even when common typos are made.

  2. If the record was submitted via Zoho Forms, check whether the workflow trigger checkbox is selected in the Zoho Forms integration setup.

4. A record was submitted via the webform but the notification email was not received.
  1. Check that the Notify lead owner option is enabled.

  2. Make sure that the record owners check all their webmail folders including the inbox, filters, junk, and spam.
  3. If these solutions did not help, please contact us with the record ID, the date and time of record creation, and the email address of the owner who did not receive the email so we can investigate.
5. How can I prevent spam records which are submitted via webforms from being added to Zoho CRM?
You can avoid spam records entering your CRM by enabling CAPTCHA, or Record Approval or using the Validation Rule feature. Even if a bot bypasses CAPTCHA, it cannot get past the validation rule in CRM. Spam records will then be moved to Invalid entries in the Leads Approval page.

Solution 1: Using validation rules
Imagine that contact fills in the Phone field using phoneword (1800-Zylker, 1800-Logica) instead of complete phone number. We can validate this data by creating a validation rule in CRM as shown here:

When a record is submitted with letters in the phone number, it will not be created in CRM but will instead go to the the Invalid entries list in the Approve Leads section as show below.

Solution 2: Adding standard CAPTCHA
The default CAPTCHA code in CRM can be added to webforms to avoid spam entries.

Solution 3: Google reCAPTCHA
You can use Google CAPTCHA to avoid spam leads by any bot or hackers.

Make sure the site key and secret key exactly match the ones provided in the ReCAPTCHA settings in Google. If the leads are still flagged as spam, contact us with the lead ID and the URL of the page where the webform is embedded so that we can troubleshoot.

6. Records submitted through the webform have Not Provided as the value in the Last Name.
  1. Go to the record's timeline and check whether it was created via a webform. If the value for the Last Name field is Not Provided, this means that the Last Name field was not set as mandatory. This means that the checkMandatory() function was altered in the source code. The only way to fix this is to re-embed the code from CRM on the webpage without altering the source code.
  2. If this does not work, send us the record ID, date and time of record creation, web page URL, and the form's code.
7. The mandatory field in the webform is not working
Check whether multiple webforms have been added to the same page. If yes, then get the HTML code and check the following:
  1. The return checkMandatory 12345XXXXXX() and function checkMandatory 12345xxxxxx() are identical.
  2. No changes or edits have been made to the variable in the checkMandatory 12345xxxxxx() function.

8. The file submitted through the File Upload field in the webform is not available in the records
Check whether the file storage limit has been exceeded. Go to Setup > Data Administration > Storage > File Storage.

9. How can you make the webform compatible with mobile browsers?
Zoho CRM webform is not mobile responsive, however we suggest that you use top alignment when creating your webforms, to make them more mobile friendly.

10. Upon submitting webform, a new form opens instead of the landing page.
To make sure the lead is directed to the landing page, ensure the right URL is specified in the Landing Page URL section too.
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Webforms.
  2. Select the webform that you have created and click on Next Step.
  3. Under Form Details, enter the desired URL to which you want to direct your lead on submitting the form. 
Note: You have to use the newly generated code and host in your website to apply the recent changes you have made to your web form.

Troubleshooting Email Templates

1. Product details are not populated in the table created in a template.
Product details will only be available if the default product table in the template has been added. If the fields in the Product Details section are added separately, the values of those fields will not be supported.
2. I received an error message that the template exceeds 200,000 characters.
This issue occurs due to copying and pasting content from one source to another. This will result in "<! xml content !>" appearing in the template. This should be removed.
  1. Open the template which you created that is not being saved.
  2. Right click on the content and choose Inspect Element.
  3. Select Console on the bottom tab.
  4. Search for "<CENTER>" , then right click and choose edit as html.
  5. Remove the content in the section and copy and paste the new content from the attachment, then click Save.
3. The template looked perfect when I created it but looks misaligned on the print preview.
Try the print preview of the template in different browsers. If it only looks misaligned in one specific browser, you might need to update the browser. If it still looks wrong, send the html code of the content to our support team so we can provide further assistance. 
4. What is the maximum number of contacts that can be associated with an account for the mail merge to work?
A maximum of 100 contacts can be associated with an account for mail merge to work. For example, if you have 130 contacts associated with one account record, mail merge will only work for the first 100 contacts. The mail merge will be sent to the most recent 100 records created.
5. I am not able to send emails from the Accounts module, but there is an option to create an email template.
The template for the Accounts module is used to send email notifications through automation workflows and blueprints.
For example:
You want to notify certain users via email when a new account is created.
An email template must be created with the details of the account using the merge fields from the Accounts module. Then the email template must be associated with the workflow rule as an action.

6. Can I increase the product image's size in the template? 
No, you cannot increase the product image size in a template when you use the field(${product.product image}) field. The image file you upload to the field will determine the size it renders in the template.]
"We cannot adjust the product's image in the Inventory template." The image size uploaded in the product record will reflect in templates. Hence, if you would like to adjust the size, adjust them in the Product's record and generate the template which will reflect in the templates.
7. The Product Description merge field in the template is not pulling the value from the line item.
Please ensure that the ${Quotes.Product Description} field is used in the template and not ${Quotes.Description}. This is a common error.
8. In the product line item section of the template, Grand Total does not show the value although the value is visible in the record.
If there are custom fields such as Grand Total, Discount, or Subtotal that are similar to the system-defined fields, conflicts may occur with the values. In this case, make sure that the relevant modules do not have any custom fields with the field name Grand Total. 
9. An image URL that is inserted in the email template is shown as a broken image.

Make sure that the inserted image URL works independently in the browser as a public URL. If it does, reach out to the website domain and get it fixed.
10. An image inserted in the HTML template is blank but it works in the HTML testing tool. 
If the image inserted is blank, chances are that it has been inserted as a background image, since Zoho CRM's email templates do not support background images. Please check whether "background-image: url" appears in the HTML.

11. How can I avoid a gray background in a template?
  1. Edit your template.
  2. Click Background under All Components.
  3. Change the Outer Color. You can insert the required Hexa code (HTML color code).

Troubleshooting Email Parser

1. The parser email is in the invalid email section.
  1. The content in the email doesn't match the content of the parser
  2. The content in the email has different spacing or merges the characters in the same line
This is the valid format for parser content:

This is the email sent to parser:

  1. Ensure that the content of the parser is the same as the content in the email.
  2. Ensure that the spacing and format are the same as the parser content.
  3. Ensure that delimiters are used properly and sample data is provider after the delimiter.
  4. Ensure that the field values are mapped to the correct fields.
2. When the parser email is sent, it does not appear in either the received email or the invalid email section.
Ensure that the email is sent to the correct parser email address and the from email address is added to the list of approved email addresses.

3. I want emails received to my inbox to be sent to the parser email using forwarding options.
Yes, it is possible to add the parser email address for forwarding emails. However, if an email is sent from your email service provider to confirm the mailbox, this will not work since the parser email address does not have a mailbox to receive the email.

4. I am unable to parse picklist fields in the parser settings?
You will be able to map only those fields that accept dynamic values such as,
  1. Single line
  2. Multi line
  3. Phone
  4. Decimal
  5. Email
  6. Integer
  7. Currency 
5. I clicked "Update" after I entered the approved email address and the next time I opened the parser settings, the approved email address was missing.
Ensure you enter the email address and click the Add button next to it or press Enter or Return on your keyboard before you click Update.

6. I would like to update an existing record via the email parser.
The email parser can only create new records. It is not possible to update existing records using parser.

7. What is the file size limit for attachments added via email parser?
Up to 5MB can be attached to the record. Multiple files can be attached in the attachment section as long as the total size does not exceed 5MB.

8. When a currency value is added, the value is not populated in the field.
When mapping a currency field, do not add any currency symbols, such as "$". Once the record is created, the currency sign will be automatically populated in the value by the system.

9. Which delimiters can be added while creating the parser content?
There are only three types of delimiters (: colon, ; semicolon, = equals) that can be used in the content to add it to the CRM account.

Troubleshooting Mass Emails

1. How can I see how many records are eligible to be sent mass emails?
Open the List View, filter the records using the smart filter for "email is not empty", "email is not blocked", "email opt out is not selected". This will give the exact number of records which will be sent the mass email.

2. Mass emails sent from CRM are landing in recipients' spam folders.
Perform the email authentication and email relay.

Contact our support team ( to whitelist the IP addresses used by Zoho CRM.

3. If more records are selected than the daily limit, will the email be automatically sent on the next day?
Emails will not be sent automatically on the next day. You will have to filter the records using the smart filter set to "Email status" > "Not sent" > "Yesterday" to find the records that were skipped due to limits and then send the mass email to those records.

4. The Sent Email Statistics show incorrect information when compared with the result of using the smart filter.
Go to the audit log and check whether any records were deleted or converted after the mass email was sent. 

5. Why are the Sent Email Stats are in a different language?
The language selected in the personal settings of the sender determines what language the Sent Email Stats are displayed in.

6. Is it possible to send mass email to leads or contacts associated with a campaign?
Yes, it is possible to send mass email to leads associated with a campaign by following these steps: 
  1. Open the campaign record
  2. Select the records from the related list
  3. Click Send Email.

7. Can a user edit a mass email schedule which was created by a different user?
A mass email schedule can only be edited, stopped, or started by the user who created it. Other users can only view or delete the email.

8. When does the daily limit for mass emails reset?
The mass email limit will be reset based on the time zone set on the company details page.

9. Which email server are the mass emails sent from?
If an email relay is configured, emails will be sent via the company's server. If not, they will be sent via Zoho's server. 

Troubleshooting BCC Dropbox

1. I have set the search pattern to "Search for the recipient's email address in Contacts and Leads. If there are no matching records, then do not create any new records" but new records are still being created.
A new record will be created if the email address of the lead or contact exists in a record that is under either of the following sections:
  1. Approve Leads section
  2. Converted Leads section
  3. Recycle Bin.
To check whether this is the case:
  1. Enter the value in the global search and ensure that there is no existing record with the email address.
  2. Check in the Converted Leads view. Go to the Leads module > Converted Leads view > Smart filters > Email and enter the value then click Apply and ensure that no record exists with the same email address.
  3. Check in the Approve Leads or Contact section. Go to the Leads module > click the three dots icon and click Approve leads and ensure that no record exists with the same email address.
  4. Check the recycle bin and ensure that no record exists with the same email address.
2. New records are not being created from emails sent to the BCC dropbox email address
Records are created based on the Search Pattern and the approved email addresses. 
  1. Make sure to choose the right option in the Search Pattern to Search in Leads/Contacts, if not Create the record. 
  2. Check that the From email address is added to the list of approved email addresses.
3. Will BCC dropbox emails and their attachments be included in data backups?
Yes, the emails will be available in the email .CSV file and the attachments in the attachments file.

4. How many email addresses can be added to the approved email list?
Up to 10 email addresses added to the list of approved email addresses.

5. Why can't I see "Leads" or "Contacts" in the search pattern?

The user who is trying to create BCC might not have permission to access the Leads or Contacts module. Check with your administrator.

6. Will BCC emails sync if the email address is in the Secondary Email field?
Yes, emails which are sent to the secondary email address of a contact will be synced in Zoho CRM.

Troubleshooting Email Relay

1. Why am I getting an authentication failure error?

  1. Make sure that the password you entered is correct. To verify the password, log in to your webmail with the same password by typing in the password instead of using auto-fill.
  2. Check whether TFA is enabled in webmail. If it is enabled, generate an app-specific password in webmail and use the app-specific password in CRM's IMAP settings.
  3. Whitelist our IP's listed in this help document.
If the issue persists, please contact our support team (

2. Why did email relay fail?
After three repeated failures a day, the user will be sent a warning email notifying them of the authentication failure, containing the reason for the failure. The relay server will not be used to send emails until the next day.
Note: If the outbound emails fail to deliver from the relay server for any reason, they will be sent via Zoho CRM's server.

3. Should I configure email relay and email authentication for every user?
No, email relay and email authentication work based on the domain, not based on the user email addressed, so there is no need to verify each email address individually. If you have users with different domains, you will need to verify each domain in email authentication and in email relay.

4. Why is bounce processing happening for the emails sent via relay?
When configuring email relay, ensure that the Bounce Management with Zoho CRM checkbox is enabled. If it is not enabled, ensure that there is a proper email address in the return path. If you have checked both of these and the issue persists, contact support  ( ).

Troubleshooting Blueprint

1. I am not able to find a blueprint that I created.
Check whether All Modules is selected under Setup > Process Automation > Blueprint. Only then Blueprints created for all modules will be displayed in the list view.

2. Transitions are not shown for a user with a custom profile.
If a particular transition, which is visible to admins, is not also visible to users who have a custom profile or a particular role, or who are part of a specific department, make sure the user has been added to the Before part of the transition. Then the transition will be available in the record detail page.

3. Will a record that enters a Blueprint go through an approval process?
No, it won't. The order in which the automations are executed is : assignment rules > workflow rules > approval process > Blueprint > case escalation rules.
It means the record would have already gone through the approval process before entering Blueprint.

4. Why is the state showing as "None" when I create a Blueprint?
The state "None" appears for all picklists in the Deals module, except Stage. If you do not want to trigger the blueprint when the stage is "None", then give the entry criteria as "Pick list is Not Empty", or remove the None state.

5. Some fields are not displayed when I create a Blueprint. Why is this?
File upload and image upload fields are not supported in the During action of a Blueprint or in the transition criteria.

6. How is the related list checklist on the record detail page created?
If you have created a checklist in the During action for a transition, it will appear on the record detail page as a related list once the user completes the checklist for the record in the Blueprint.

7. Why is a record not entering the Blueprint?
Make sure that the record matches the entry criteria set for the Blueprint. Blueprints will also not trigger for unapproved or rejected records.

8. Why are records created through APIs not entering the Blueprint?
Ensure the Blueprint trigger is added in the request body of the API code.
Sample format:

9. I have completed two out of three checklist items specified in the Blueprint, but the checklist is not appearing in the record's related list.
The checklist will only appear in the related list when all items on the list and the transition itself are completed.

10. Why can't I rearrange the transitions in the Blueprint?
Due to the way Blueprints are designed, the transitions will be shown in the order they are created and cannot be rearranged.

11. We have a layout rule to display the "Industry" picklist when the Company Name field is filled in. But this picklist does not appear if the record fields are filled in via a Blueprint transition. Why is this?
The field will only be displayed when a record is filled via a Blueprint if it is set as Mandatory in the layout rules.

12. When I publish the Blueprint, I see an error message which says "There are one or more loops found in your Blueprint. When stuck in a loop, the record remains inside this Blueprint with no possible exit through transitions." I cannot save it.
This alert indicates that a record will get stuck a loop cycle going through the same transitions over and over with no way to exit the loop in order to complete the process of the Blueprint. Click on the Review button to view and resolve the loop.
For example, in this Blueprint, the "Re-attempt" and "No answer" transitions (indicated with red lines) shows the loop.

13. I have set notes and attachment as mandatory for a particular transition but when I run the Blueprint, I cannot find the button to save it and am just shown the next transition.
If a Blueprint is set as continuous and you have set the notes and attachment as mandatory, during the process, Blueprint will show the next available transition instead of the Save button.
Screenshots for comparison

14. Why am I getting an error alert when I add criteria to a blueprint?
You may have reached the maximum limit for criteria in a Blueprint , which is 25.

15. I have added a new state in the Blueprint but its not visible in the record's picklist field. How can I fix this?
Blueprints are layout specific. Please ensure that the record is assigned to the layout where the new state was added.

16. I need to insert more message content in the During transition, but I am seeing an error "Message must be less than or equal to 300". Is there any workaround for this?
Yes, there is a workaround. You can add the content in multi-line field and insert it into the message content using a #multiline merge field.

Troubleshooting Module Customization

Troubleshooting Modules and Fields

1. Why does the editor go from top to bottom instead of left to right when I click the Tab key while creating or editing a record?
The order depends on the Tab Order Preference set by the Admin for each particular layout and module.

2. I am trying to add a new value to a picklist field and I see an error which says "Duplicate option Found. Enter a unique option." How do I resolve this?
Make sure that the value you entered is not present under the unused values and used values sections of the picklist.

In this example, the value "Seminar Partner" can be available in either the used picklist values section or the unused values section, but not both. In this case the value from the unused section should be deleted or be modified.
3. I am seeing the error message "Parent field length should be less than or equal to other field length" Lead conversion mapping or Sales Order Conversion. What does this mean?
During conversion, the field length must be similar to the length of the field it is being mapped with in the other module's layout.

For example: A single line field in the Leads module has a character length of 100. When this field which is mapped to other modules (like Contacts, Accounts, or Deals), it must be mapped to a single line field with a character length of less than or equal to 100.
4. Why isn't the Verify Details pop-up appearing when I mark a deal as Closed Lost?
Make sure that the Forecast Category for the Closed Lost stage is Omitted, the Probability (%) is 0, and the Forecast Type is Closed Lost.

5. Why are some field not available during mass update?
A primary field in any layout rule or validation rule will not be available for mass update.
For example:
Layout Rules
The primary field used in this layout rule is Last Name, so this field will not be available for mass update.

Validation Rules
The primary fields used in this validation rule are City and Lead Source, so these fields will not be available for mass update.

6. Why are certain fields not found when using advanced filters, even though I have read and write permissions for the fields?
Make sure that the field you are looking for is not an encrypted field. Encrypted fields cannot be found with advanced filters or by searching by criteria and they will not be visible in the Sort option.

7. A checkbox field is not being updated on the contact record when the record goes through lead conversion. Why is this?
The value in the checkbox field will not be updated if the record already has a value in that field.

For example:
The checkbox field is True when checked and False when unchecked. This means that when the checkbox is empty, there is still a value in the field (i.e., False). So, the value in the field will not be not updated when the record is converted from a lead to a contact.

8. I changed the record owner of an account and also selected the option to transfer all items belonging to the current record owner related to the account to the new record owner, but the related records were not reassigned to the new record owner. Why is this?

The related records will be transferred only if they have the same record owner as the account record.

Let's look at an example: When you change the account record owner to Martha, only the Contacts which previously belonged to Sandy (the previous account record owner) will be transferred over to Martha.

Sandy is the account record owner, and the account has five contacts associated with it. Sandy is the record owner of two of the contacts associated with that account, and the other three have Paul as their record owner.

9. When I try to create or save a record, I see the following error message:
"Oops something went wrong! Please try again or check for the following reasons:
  1. Please check your function for any possible failed case
  2. Please check your function for any loop that might take time to respond"
How do I resolve this?
This error occurs when a validation rule is created based on a custom function which has an error in it or when the custom function fails to handle an exception. Check the custom function used in the validation rule for errors.

10. Why am I unable to access the Sales Order conversion mapping or Quote conversion mapping settings?

This error will be displayed if the user does not have permission to access the modules involved in conversion or if the modules are hidden for the Organize Modules permission.
For example:
During Quote conversion mapping, a quote can usually be converted to a Sales Order or Invoice, but if either of these modules are disabled for the user's profile or the user doesn't have permission to access either module, an error message will appear.

11. Why is the external field ID not working while creating, editing, or updating records through APIs?
In order to use the external field ID, you must set the field as an external field.
  1. Go to Setup and then Modules and Fields.
  2. Select the module you are working on and then the field.
  3. Select Edit Properties and select Set as External Field.
    This option is only available for fields with the Single Line Field type. It is not available for standard fields.

12. Why am I not able to update a picklist field while creating or editing a record?
If a picklist field is not editable it needs to be mapped as a dependency field.
  1. Go to Setup > Modules and Fields and select the module.
  2. Click Settings and then select Map Dependency Field.
13. Why am I not able to save a layout after adding a new subform to the Inventory module?
I am seeing the following error message: "Limit Exceeded: Maximum row entries allowed in all subforms within a module are 200. Please reduce the row entries in the subforms and then save the layout". 

CRM allows a maximum of 200 row entries in all subforms in each module.

By default, the Product subform in the Inventory module, has the maximum row entries set to 200, so users will not be able to create new subforms without first changing the row entry limit in the Product subform.

14. I am trying to create a view with the Lead Source value "External Referral", but the records are not appearing even though they are available. Why is this?
Please confirm that the picklist value in the view criteria is exactly the same as it appears in the records. When records are created via API or webforms, users may add custom picklist values directly to the record that is passed via API or a Webform without adding the value to the existing picklist in the layout.

For example, if the users adds "External-Referral" or "ExternalReferral" as the value in the record, it will not match the criteria for the view, which is "External Referral". To resolve this, the user can mass update the existing records with the correct value.

To resolve the issue in future records, the user should update the webform or API call settings to add the correct value.

15. There is a contact in the Zoho CRM Campaigns module with the Member Status "Clicked", but when I try to filter by Member Status, "Clicked"not an option. Why is this?
Check whether the value is available in the Customize Campaign Member Status on the Modules and Fields section. If the value is not available there, add it.

16. Why am I seeing the following error message when I try to delete a module?

Check whether there are any lookup fields, including multi-select lookup fields, for the module you are trying to delete, including in the unused fields section. If there are, delete the lookup fields permanently from all layouts and then delete the module.

17. I am trying to add a multi-select lookup field and I cannot find the right module in the Select Related Module dropdown list. Why is this?

If the module has already been used twice as a related module in any two other modules in CRM, it will not be available in the list, since there can be a maximum of two related module lookup associations per module.

18. I have updated the auto-number field to start from 25, but the records do not start at 25, why is this?
Check whether the "Also Update Existing Records" checkbox is enabled in the Auto-Number Properties for the field. If this checkbox is not enabled, the auto-number starting with 25 will only apply when creating new records.

19. I have set the currency field in a layout to show up to 3 decimal places, but the field value only displays 2 decimal places in the records. Why is this?
If multi currency is enabled and the Decimal Places in the Currencies setup page is set to 2, then all currency values in CRM will display 2 decimal places, regardless of the decimal places set for each individual currency field.

20. I have created a lookup for a custom module in one of the standard modules. The related list for the custom module is not showing the contact record associated with.
That particular profile might have set the permission as "Do not show" in the field permission for the custom module lookup in the contacts module and so the related records are not showing in the related list.

21. I have created a Leads lookup in a custom module and I want to associate leads with records in the custom module but the lookup doesn't show any lead records. Instead, I see the message: "You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation. Contact your administrator." How do I resolve this?
This may occur if your CRM profile does not have the necessary permission to view the Leads module. Ask your admin to provide permission to the Leads module for your profile.

22. The default contacts look up field in the deals module , doesn't show the contact associated to the accounts through the deals - accounts relationship, even though account has contacts in its related list.
This means that the accounts is not associated to any contact through the default contacts-accounts relationship, or the contact might have associated to the accounts through a custom account lookup module.

If the Contact is not associated to that account, he can click on "All Accounts" drop down and still search for the contact.

23. Attachments are missing from Sales Order and in timeline, we don't see attachment as deleted as well?
When a Sales order is converted to an Invoice, the attachment from the Sales order will be transferred to the converted Invoice and the status of the SO will be updated to Delivered, so check if the SO is converted.

Troubleshooting Buttons

1. Why is Invoke URL not working for buttons?
Check in another tab whether the URL is active and working and check that the SSL certificate for the URL is active. If the URL works, it should also work as a button.

2. I have created a custom button to be displayed in the List View page but it doesn't appear in the module's list view page. Why is this?
For custom buttons on a List View page, make sure you select at least one record before executing the button action.

3. Buttons are not passing the field values from the record to the invoked URL. Why is this?
Make sure the field value is being passed as a param correctly in the invoke URL. 

Troubleshooting Pipelines

1.Why isn't the stage value available in the record view when it is available in the Stage Field section of the layout?

With the introduction of pipelines, the stages are not specific to layouts but they are specific to pipelines. Hence, even if the stage values are available under Stage field in the layout, those stage values should also be available under pipelines so that by selecting the correct pipeline, the stage value will be available.

If the stage value is not added to the pipeline, then the value will not be available while creating or editing records in record view.

2. The deal stage order in record is not the same as how it is in Stage-Probability Mapping.
Yes, it will not be the same. The order of the stage values in a deal is not based on the Stage-Probability Mapping if Pipelines are enabled. If Pipelines are enabled and you need to sort the Stage values then, you need to do it in Pipelines.

Troubleshooting Copy Customization

1. When I try to use Copy Customization in Zoho CRM, I see an error message: "The email address does not match any existing Zoho CRM accounts."

This issue occurs when there is no Zoho CRM account with the email address provided or the email address provided is in a different data center (DC), as Copy Customization is not supported across DCs.

For example: If the source account is in the US DC and the target account is in the EU DC, Copy Customization cannot be performed.

2. I clicked on the link in an email from Zoho CRM to initiate Copy Customization, and got the error message "Page cannot be accessed". Why is this?
This issue usually occurs if you click on the link in a browser where the source account is already logged in. Please open the email in a different browser or in a private window and click on the link to initiate the process.

Troubleshooting Translations

1. Some picklist fields are not available or are missing in the exported translation file from Zoho CRM. Why is this?
Please check that the missing field is not a multi-select picklist. Multi-select picklist fields are not supported for translation in Zoho CRM.

2. One user is seeing different values in a picklist field from a different user in the same organization. Why is this?
If translation is enabled and picklist values have been translated, then users who will see the translated picklist values for the language they have set their CRM to.

For example: Grace has set CRM to English (UK) and Mark has his set to has English (US). If the organization has added translations for English (UK) then Grace and Mark will see different values in picklist fields.

Troubleshooting Customize Home page

1. Why can't I see the role to which I want to associate a customized Home page?
Each role can have only one customized Home page section. If a role is not available to associate, that role might already be associated with a different Home page.

Troubleshooting Canvas Builder

1. I have created a new canvas view for a module but when I open a record, it is not displayed in the new canvas view. Why is this?

Check that you have added the view to the Canvas Assignment for the profile the user is associated with.

Troubleshooting Templates

1. I have created a new inventory template from scratch but it doesn't shows the line items from the records. Why is this?
Please check that the product table has been added to the template. A template can only display the line items from the records if the product table has been added to it.

Troubleshooting Data Import and Export

1. When I try to import leads, I get an error message which says "Duplicate record exist in system: Email."
I've checked my CRM data and there is no duplicate record with the same email address. How do I resolve this?

Once you have ensured there is no duplicate record with the same email address, check the Approve Leads list by navigating to Leads > Actions > Approve Leads.
Since the records in the Approve Leads section are not available in the global search, there may be duplicate records that are not being displayed when you search. The records in this list are added to CRM via webform, API, or import only. Records added manually will not be present here. 

2. I recently imported data and there were skipped records. I don't see the Download list of records with error option. How can I download a list of the skipped records?

The option to download the list of records with errors will only be displayed if there are fewer than 10,000 skipped records. If there are more than 10,000, then the option will not be available on the Import Status page.

3. I imported leads into our CRM account but the leads are assigned to me rather than the lead owners I mapped them to during import. How do I fix this?
Import File:

After importing the leads into CRM:

This is because the file you imported has the names of the users in the Lead Owner column instead of using their email addresses or Lead Owner IDs. The system will not be able to detect and match the name, so the leads will be assigned to the user who initiated the import instead. To obtain users' Lead Owner IDs to use in import files, you need to export the user data, where it will appear as the User ID.

4. Despite importing leads with lead owner data as email, the record is not getting associated with the appropriate user.
In the screenshot below, the lead "Natasha" was supposed to be assigned to Karl but instead she was assigned to Androse, who initiated the import.

This is because Karl Anderson is an inactive user in CRM. If you import records and try to associate them with an inactive user, then the system will ignore the inactive user and the records will automatically be associated with the user who imported them.

5. I am unable to trigger automation and other process management features while importing records in CRM.
The option to trigger automation and process management will only be displayed if there are fewer than 10,000 rows in the import file. If the option is not available, it means the import file has more than 10,000 rows. In that case, you will have to split the import file and import the records in batches in order to use process management features (e.g. import two files with 6000 rows in each instead of importing one file with 12,000 rows).
6. I imported records which contain Eastern European names like "Øya Festival" and characters like the "Ø" did not appear correctly in in the imported records.

This is due to character encoding. Please save the .csv file as a UTF-8 encoded file and then import it into Zoho CRM. You can find all the characters supported in UTF-8 here:
7. The Undo Import option is not available next to the import summary in CRM.
The availability of this option depends on what you had selected under "What do you want to do with the records in the file?" during import. If you had chosen either of the three options, you will get the following:

Add as new Leads: You can undo the import process and remove the imported records from Zoho CRM within 30 days of importing them.

Update existing Leads only: The option to undo will not be available.

Both: The option to undo will be available, but it will only remove the newly added records, it will not reverse changes made to updated records.

8. The option to trigger assignment rules during import is not available.

This is because you selected Update existing Leads only while importing the records. When an existing record is updated via import, the option to trigger assignment rules and assign follow-up tasks will not be available.

9. I exported data from my Zoho CRM account and the data is garbled when I open the file in MS Excel.
We support the Unicode character set UTF-8, so you will need to select this character set to view the exported files properly in MS Excel. Follow the steps below:

For Excel 2003
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Navigate to Data > Import External Data > Import Data.
  3. Select the import file.
  4. The Text Import Wizard will open.
  5. Select Delimited as the Original data type.
  6. Select UTF-8 in the File origin dropdown.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose Comma as the Delimiters.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select Text as the Column data format and select each column in the Data Preview.
  11. Click Finish and open in New Work Sheet.
For Excel 2007 and 2010
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Go to Data and select From Text.
  3. Choose the import file.
  4. The Text Import Wizard will open.
  5. Choose Delimited as the Original data type.
  6. Choose UTF-8 from the File origin dropdown.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose Comma as the Delimiter.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Choose Text as the Column data format and select each column from the Data Preview.
  11. Click Finish and open in New Work Sheet.
10. The special characters or columns aren't displayed correctly in the file I exported from Zoho CRM or there is data missing from some columns.
Try importing the same exported file into Zoho Sheets to see if the same issue occurs there. If it does, then email us at explaining your issue and include a screenshot which shows the broken field values or modified special characters. Please include the record ID and the export ID so that we can check from the backend.

Troubleshooting Data Storage

1. My data storage was full, so I deleted many unnecessary records but the storage still shows as full and I cannot add new records or notes.

The data and file storage in your organization is checked and updated once an hour. This means that it will not update immediately after you delete records, you will have to wait until the next calculation time, which is displayed in your account
Please also note that you must delete the records from the recycle bin in order to free up storage space.

2. I can't upload any files to records in my Zoho CRM account, I see an error message which says "Upload failed". How do I fix this?

This issue usually occurs when there is not sufficient file storage available in your Zoho CRM organization. Check your file storage limit and delete data as necessary to free up space or purchase additional storage.

3. I want to delete the junk and untouched records to free up data storage, but the data is not getting deleted when I click the trash can icon. Why is this?

To resolve this issue, do the following:
  1. Click on Junk or Untouched Records.
  2. Check if there are more 50,000 records in that view.
    If there are more than 50,000 records, it cannot be deleted in bulk. So you will have to delete records from that list view manually to bring down the number down to 50,000.

Troubleshooting Recycle Bin and Audit Log

1. I have accidentally deleted a large number of records from Zoho CRM and we have used our two monthly free backups. How can I get my data back?
If you have deleted those records within the last 60 days, you can retrieve the data from the Recycle Bin. After records are deleted, they will be stored in the Recycle Bin for 60 days, unless they are manually removed. After that, they will be deleted permanently.

2. I checked my recycle bin and noticed a large number of tasks, notes, attachments, and emails that are my name under the Deleted By column, but I did not delete them. Why is this?

When you delete a record, all the attachments, notes, emails, and tasks associated with it will also be moved to the recycle bin, so even if you didn't delete them directly, they will appear in the recycle bin under your name. Here, you can see that the lead "Rod Alderton" was deleted at the same time, so we can assume those other items were attached to that record. If you restore the lead record, all the other items will also be restored.

3. There are many records in my recycle bin and I want to delete all the attachments from them to free up file storage. Is there an easier way to do this other than deleting one-by-one?

You can use the search filter in the recycle bin to speed up this process.
  1. Click on the filter icon.
  2. Choose the Attachments as the Type to display only the attachments that are in your recycle bin.
  3. You can then select all the displayed items to delete them in bulk.

4. I had two contacts with the same name and email and now when I search I can't find one of them. I also checked the recycle bin and the record is not there.
Check the audit log to see whether the duplicate contacts were merged. This will also be logged in the timeline of the record it was merged with. Once records are merged, the duplicate record will not be moved to recycle bin, it will be completely deleted from the CRM and cannot be retrieved.

All Find and Merge activities are logged in the audit log and in the record's timeline

The merged and duplicate records will not be available in the recycle bin.

5. My manager made some updates to a record which I own. Those changes are not logged in the audit log, but they are recorded in the timeline of the record.

Users with the Administrator profile or CEO role can access the entire organization's audit logs, while users with other profiles can only view their and subordinates' audit logs.
Check if you have either the Administrator profile or CEO role.
If you do have the Administrator profile or CEO role and the changes are missing from the audit log, please email us at with a description of your issue, the record ID, and screenshots of the timeline and audit log.

6. Emails I send from an IMAP-configured mailbox (e.g. Gmail or Outlook) are not being tracked in the audit log. What should I do?
This will happen if the user has not enabled SalesInbox in their CRM account. Emails sent from their mailbox will only be logged in the audit log if SalesInbox is enabled.

7. A record has been updated by a sales rep but the changes do not appear the audit log. The changes do appear in the timeline of the record. Is it possible to export these changes?

The audit log displays all the actions performed by all users in the last 60 days.
In this record timeline screenshot, we can see that the record was last updated 64 days ago, so this action will not be available in the audit log. If the action was performed in the past 60 days and but does not appear in audit log then please refer to this help doc to learn more about which actions are captured in the audit log.

If you still notice that some actions are not appearing in the audit log, email us at with an issue description, the record ID, a screenshot of the record's timeline, the exported audit log file, and a screenshot of the audit log for the date range where the action is missing.