Knowledge Base updates and enhancements: Resetting article insights and simplified cloning

Knowledge Base updates and enhancements: Resetting article insights and simplified cloning

Hello everyone,

Hope you are well!

Knowledge Base articles can provide a wealth of information on a wide range of topics to help readers find solutions to their problems. That's why the Knowledge Base is one of the most popular self-service platforms. 

Recently, we've enhanced the KB to improve usability. 

Resetting article insights

Articles are often revisited and updated over time. Some common improvements include adding important information, addressing common questions, and changing sections of the article to enhance readability and understanding.

Once an article is revamped, the article owners can reset the following metrics: Likes, Dislikes, and Views. This way, fresh insights can be captured. 

  • Likes: By resetting the number of likes on the article, you can more easily assess whether the article is meeting readers' expectations.

  • Dislikes: Resetting the dislikes after updating the content helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the revised article.

  • Views: Resetting the views after a revamp helps in determining the updated article's popularity.

Please refer to our help doc for further details.

Selecting a category during article cloning

While creating a new article, writers can clone any published article and use the format. Instead of selecting the category, section, and subsection after cloning, they can now set these during the cloning process. 

Please refer to our help doc for further details.

Have a great day!
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