Introducing Validation Rules in Zoho Recruit

Introducing Validation Rules in Zoho Recruit

Dear valued customers,

We are excited to announce the introduction of Validation Rules in Zoho Recruit. Validation Rules are an essential addition to our software to help you maintain data integrity and ensure your recruiting process runs smoothly.


Validation Rules are essential criteria that you can set up to ensure that specific fields in your Zoho Recruit account contain valid data. For example, you can set up a validation rule that requires phone numbers to be in a particular format or prevents certain characters from entering a field.


By using Validation Rules, you can ensure that your data is consistent and accurate and that you're using your time effectively dealing with incorrect information or missing data. This can also help you avoid errors and reduce the risk of making poor hiring decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Learn more here.


To start with Validation Rules in Zoho Recruit, go to Settings > Customization > Modules > "Validation Rules". From there, you can create new rules, edit existing ones, and manage your Validation Rules.


We hope that you find this new feature helpful in your recruiting efforts. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to


Thank you for choosing Zoho Recruit.


Best regards,

Team Zoho Recruit