Introducing Colored Tags in Zoho Recruit

Introducing Colored Tags in Zoho Recruit

Attention Zoho Recruit users!

We are excited to announce the release of Zoho Recruit's Colored Tags. Now, you can easily identify and organize your hiring information with customizable tags in a variety of colors.

Colored tags are a useful tool for organizing and categorizing candidates, jobs, and other records within the system. These tags can be customized to fit the specific needs of your organization, and can be used to highlight important information, track progress, and make it easier to search for and filter records.

To use this feature, simply go to a candidate, job, or contact record's detail page and look for Tags below the Related List section. From there, you can create a new tag or select an existing one, and assign it a color to make it stand out. You can then use said tags to filter your lists and searches for more efficient and accurate results.

We hope this new feature will help you streamline your workflow and make your recruitment process even more efficient and effective. Thank you for choosing Zoho Recruit!